Last week we drove to the University of Minnesota campus in the Twin Cities. We went to Northrup Auditorium to watch a performance by the Physics Force. The show was an incredible and entertaining way to introduce physics concepts to the kids. The show even made me regret not taking physics in college or high school as we all watched a girl's hair fly and fog get blown in rings from the beating of a "drum." We watched how beach balls get arched as they are tossed and how they land consistently. It was fun way to learn that the to get maximum distance when aiming things was to do it at a 45 degree arch. Very useful information for water fights in the summer! We heard about how people can blow on the top of paper to make it lift. In this picture they are blowing the top of the toilet paper out towards the audience. We also learned the it curls back onto itself.
My daughter beat me to joining their fan group on Facebook, but it is okay--she is excited--it is the excitement I have prayed that all my children will have about learning. I hope they never lose their curiosity. The department performs public shows early each January at Northrup. If you are unavailable to come, don't despair! You can order a DVD directly from the Department!
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